School Logo

St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

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School Logo

St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

School Timetable

School Opening Hours

Our school doors open at 8.45am and the bell will sound for the start of the day at 8.55am

Break time for Wren & Robin class is 10.15-10.30

Break time for Owl & Heron is 10.30-10.45

Lunch time for Wren & Robin Class starts at 11.45am and finishes at 12.45pm

Lunch time for Owl & Heron starts at 12.00pm and finishes at 1.00pm.

Wren and Robin class have an afternoon playtime for 15 minutes but times can vary each day depending on the lesson structure.

Our day ends at 3.25pm.


The total number of hours our school is open- 32.5 hours


We also have a breakfast club which starts at 7.30am (inc breakfast) and a late drop off which starts at 8.15am (not including breakfast).  After school club ends at 5.45pm.  Our wrap around provision is called Children's Club.  



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