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St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

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St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

Care & Compassion

Our children and staff are such a caring and compassionate family! They always think about others before themselves and fully enjoy helping each other. 

Our Year 6 pupils act as buddies for our younger children- they help at lunch time during meals, then organise games during playtimes and read to the younger children just before the afternoon sessions.


We have noticed during lunch time if a child is on their own eating their lunch someone will move to sit next to them.  One pupil has even offered to miss part of their playtime to help with cleaning up the tables after lunch.


Our pupils have wonderful manners and always say good morning when walking down the corridor and offer to help and open doors.


During our Y6 residential the care they showed each other was lovely to see, knowing that they were away from home they comforted each other if others where home sick, helped each other with equipment and kit, worked as a team and generally showed amazing compassion.

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