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St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

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St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

OFSTED / Diocesan Reports

Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables. 

Ofsted, Inspection & School Improvement


Inspection Reports


All our school policies are available for inspection in the School Office on request.

Section 48 Diocesan Report

School Improvement and action plan

-Devising a programme of study that uses the diocesan Curriculum Wheels and guidance on HRSE whilst incorporating other key resources and providing opportunities for higher level writing tasks. This will lead to secure coverage and greater enjoyment of RE.

With the new RED curriculum being announced the school has moved towards devising a programme of study which supports this.  Year 1, 2, 3 & 4have been taught from The Vine & The Branches and Early Years Foundation have been supported by the Diocese in using RED programme of study.  


-Enabling teachers use their skills to teach, mark, and assess systematically and effectively. For example, by strengthening the practice of networking within the local cluster of Catholic schools in order to help share good practice and assist in moderation

Internal staff moderation has taken place initially to support staff in assessing RE against expected end of age phase outcomes/RED.  Local cluster moderation has taken place with local cluster Catholic school.


-Ensuring that marking is consistent so that children are able to understand their next steps and targets. This will lead to greater depth thinking and children will be able to progress better in their learning.

A new marking policy has been written so marking is more consistent throughout the school.  With regards to next steps and targets children are given verbal feedback to challenge themselves.  RE is reported on twice a year which includes a target given in the interim report so children and parents are able to know the next steps.


-Continuing the practice of RE enrichment days. These lead to a greater understanding of aspects of the faith and also coverage of areas of the curriculum that may have been taught in less depth

Special Wow weeks introduced during Advent and Lent/Holy Week

Feast days of St Mary

Ofsted report November 2021

To access our latest report on the Ofsted website, please click here.



School Improvement and Action Plan 


The school improvement action plan for 23/24 will focus on the following:


  • all subjects are equally planned as effectively as other subjects of the curriculum.
  • assessment in foundation subjects is effectively used to reflect how well pupils are learning and identify any support that pupils need. 



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