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St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

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St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

Worship Leaders

Meet the Team

We have been very busy choosing our new Worship Leaders for this year.  We had many application forms from children wanting to be a Worship Leader at the beginning of September.  It was a very hard job to make a decision and was not easy.  Our children had some fantastic ideas on how to take the role forward and these children were chosen.  They all received their cross pins during celebration assembly last week and will be proud to wear them.  Their first job will be sharing the new prayer and liturgy calendar with their classes and then teaching them the new school song. Well done everyone!

Last year our new worship leaders have taken on this role with huge importance.  They were been trained at the beginning of the year by Margaret Wright and have then grown in confidence to lead prayer and worship within their classes, led some whole school worships and now support other children in leading collective worship.


Last year our Y6 leaders helped to set out our Stations of the Cross walk in our woodland area. Each class prepared 2 stations using art, music, food, craft or drama and then the Worship Leaders set this up outside.  The whole school was then invited to go through the walk and read, listen, sing or have silent reflection about the true meaning of Easter. 


Our Worship leaders also support Fr Geoffrey at our whole school masses by reading, being part of the choir and helping to give out hymn books and mass cards.



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