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St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

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St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School


Our Curriculum


The curriculum at St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary School is designed around our school mission statement and has been created to enable the child to develop as a unique, whole person. Our curriculum is creative, inspiring and challenging. 


It is designed for pupils to be exposed to a range of topics, experiences and enrichment activities that broaden their understanding and equip them with the skills they need to be successful, confident, life-long learners who can reach their full potential.  This includes pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with SEND.

At our school we successfully adapt our curriculum to ensure that those pupils with SEND (see our Accessibility Plan), have their needs met.  Through a range of strategies specific to each individual’s need’s, their independence and fluency are encouraged to develop.  


As a Catholic school, we strive to ensure that the children receive an enriching RE experience /curriculum which reflects the person of Christ and the message the church received from him.  Within this we endeavour to enable all our pupils to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to enable them to thrive in society. This includes: the study of British Values and whole school enrichment days and other faiths. We believe access to a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum is the right of all pupils.


A curriculum that is English and language rich is must for our school if we are to open doors for the children’s futures. We, therefore, place a high focus on developing the children’s vocabulary and reading skills, using quality texts to do this. Through this, their understanding and oral skills are greatly enhanced. Giving our children the numeric skills to reason and problem solve, as well as their application to other academic areas is also of central importance.  Our children use images and modelling to help develop the depth of their mathematical understanding. The wider curriculum provides an opportunity for pupils to practise and consolidate skills learnt in a range of different contexts.


This year (2024-2025) we are teaching from Year B of our planning documents.

Teaching & Learning Policy

For any further information regarding the school's curriculum, please browse the subject and class pages, or call into school.

National Curriculum.

A ‘curriculum’ is a list of content to be taught and learnt – a course of study for schools, colleges and universities. From September 2014, the government produced a new National Curriculum and in September 2021 the Early Years Framework was updated.  Please use link below to access the full Primary National Curriculum and EYFS framework.

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