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St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

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School Logo

St Mary & St Michael

Catholic Primary School

Who's Who?

Come and meet the staff at our school!


Role/ClassStaff Responsibility


Mrs Luena Archibald


Assessment/PP lead

Senior mental Health lead

RE lead

Early Read lead

Geography lead
PSHE lead

SEND leadMiss H Lavelle 

Heron Class


Mrs C Harding


Mrs D Watt

Miss R Bateson

Computing lead

Maths lead



Owl Class


Mrs R Guinan


Mrs L Helme



English lead

History lead




Robin Class


Mr C McGown


Mrs M Cornall


MFL  Lead

Science lead



Wren Class



Mrs P Mallinder


Miss E Horner


PE/Music lead

Pastoral TeamMrs T JenkinsonArt/DT lead
PE ApprenticeMr J Richardson 


Mrs H Cronshaw


School Business Support Officer



Mrs J Brooks

Mrs H Kippax


Kitchen Assistant


Miss F Catterall

Miss A Murphy

Welfare Assistant



Children's Club

Mrs J Cross

Miss R Bateson
Miss E Horner


Play leader

Site Supervisor

Mrs S Cornthwaite


School Cleaner

Mrs J Morgans



No member of staff has a gross annual salary of or exceeding £100,000

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