Curriculum Lead: Miss C. Harding
Mathematics is essential for everyday life and for understanding and succeeding in our world. It is also essential to science, technology, music and the many benefits that these can bring.
At SSMM children need to develop high aspirations and have a thirst for learning and questioning.
Through the maths curriculum we create engaging, challenging and deeper thinkers and develop children so they can recall skills quickly.
Here at SSMM Maths is taught using the Lancashire Maths Planning resource. This ensures that our children have full coverage of the NC and allow our children to revisit topics several times over the year to embed knowledge. It also ensures progression and coverage of the National Curriculum 2014 objectives. We use a wide range of manipulatives to aid and support our children, which then lead to pictorial and abstract. They are also taught rapid recall skills through a variety of ICT resources.
At the end of the year we expect the children to have achieved ARE for their year group. Some children will have progressed further and others who have gaps in their learning receive appropriate intervention. We assess the children formally at the end of each term and also informally throughout our daily teaching.
Progression of Skills
We use Lancashire KLIPS and LAPS for progression of Skills and Knowledge. We adapt these as necessary to meet the needs of our pupils.